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curriculum vitae

Hi! Mijn naam is Danique van den Bosch. Momenteel ben ik woonachtig in Volkel, NB Nederland. Ik ben 23 jaar oud en geboren op 11 juli 2000.

Ik beschouw mezelf als een duizendpoot die constant nieuwe dingen wil leren. Ik ben zeer creatief en een enthousiast persoon. Ik ben zeker niet bang voor een nieuw avontuur en ben een echte aanpakker.  Ik hou ervan om content te ontwerpen voor marketing en webdesign doeleindes.  

Mijn motto is dan ook: “Niet lullen maar poetsen”. 


Photoshop 70%
Illustrator 80%
InDesign 80%
Adobe XD 75%
HTML 20%
CSS 20%
WordPress 80%


Dutch 100%
English 80%
Spanish 40%
German 20%


Afgestudeerd Bachelor – Fontys Hogescholen
Commerciële Economie- Digital Business Concepts

For my third year, I began my minor abroad in Mexico. I studied at Iteso Universidad de Guadalajara. My courses were Public Communication - Advertisement - Brand Strategies and Spanish. This minor gave me more perspective about the global economy and how different countries work in marketing and business. I also had the opportunity to learn more about Mexican culture, as well as other cultures around the world. I worked in multicultural groups. I improved languages like English and Spanish as well as my communication skills. 

Mbo – Koning Willem 1 College
Marketing en Communicatie niveau 4 Diploma

Middelbare school- Udens College
VMBO- Theoretisch Diploma


Online marketing en Webdesign. 

Ik ben een enthousiaste ondernemer die van aanpakken houdt. Als freelancer in online marketing en webdesign zoek ik voortdurend naar nieuwe uitdagingen om te groeien en mezelf te blijven ontwikkelen.

Februari 2023 – juni 2023

Tijdens mijn afstudeerstage heb ik stage mogen lopen bij Shake Media, Uden. Hier bij heb ik onderzoek gedaan naar de klanttevredenheid en medewerkerstevredenheid om Shake Media. 

31 januari 2022 – 24 juni 2022

For the second semester of my third year, I got to do my collaborative internship with the company Kwaaijongens. This company specializes in WordPress websites, web design, online marketing and SEO. These 5 months taught me a lot in this industry. I improved my work skills, design and marketing skills on a professional level.

March 2017 - Present
For 5 years I have been working part-time at Van Den Bosch Tuin en Terras. A company that has been in my family for over 125 years. My duties range from hostess to helping customers. But also online activities like the SEO, website optimization and minimal administrative work. 

September 2019 –  juni 2022
Independent flex work with various activities: Hostess - waitress - bartender. This experience made me even more flexible and social. Every assignment was different and I worked with a different team. Quick to adapt and hands on. Stress resistant and open were qualities that went along with this work.

1 September 2018- 17 maart 2019. 
Marketing and Communication internship in Barcelona, Spain
Work: Influencer marketing, Writing and translating blog articles, Social Media Marketing, Travel industry research. During this experience, I got to work a lot with a multicultural team. Languages like English and Spanish grew a lot here and my social skills improved. 

Augustus 2015 – juni 2018
Activities: Hostess - Waitress- Bartender

At a young age, I was introduced to the hospitality industry. Working hard, being flexible and stress resistant are traits I learned there. Social skills and people skills also came with that. The customer is king. 


Google Ad - Beginner

Google Ad - Search Certificate


Adverteren op META – beginner 


Adverteren op META – Advanced 
